Frequently Asked Questions
Choosing a wick is an important decision for better candlemaking and will always be specific to your unique formulation. Here are some very general guidelines for what wicks you might use for each of our waxes:
Midwest Container Wax:
Our Midwest Container Wax should be considered a soy wax BASE. You can make a great candle with it, though the aesthetics of your candle creations will typically suffer unless you add some stabilizing components. Many will add beeswax, palm, or paraffin to smooth the tops and increase sidewall adhesion. Midwest Container Wax is, at its very core, a straight soy wax with no additives and a melting point of about 124°F. We recommend STABILO series (sometimes called CD series), or Premier Series wicks from WickIt. For standard 3-4 inch diameter jars, you might consider a STABILO 14 and work up or down from there. In the Premier Series, start with 777 as your base wick. Be sure to test candles containing each of your fragrances.
As fully-formulated waxes, FREEDOM and Pro-Flex waxes shouldn’t require any additives, though your fragrances will have an impact on how your wick burns. Heavy, earthy fragrances will need a little more wick than lighter citrus fragrances with stronger top-notes. We recommend STABILO Series wicks or Premier wicks. Because of the lower melting point of these waxes, you might start with a STABIO 10 in a 3–4-inch jar and work up or down from there. Start with a 765 in the Premier wicks.
Millennium Wax:
Millennium Wax is our most stable container soy wax formulation. It is fully formulated with a melt point in the 130° F range. It holds color better than any of our other waxes, though it’s important to note that darker colors may require you to wick up. Again, we recommend the STABILO and Premier Series wicks. Even with the higher melt temperatures, it has been formulated to burn more aggressively than most natural waxes with this melt point. Consider starting with a STABILO 14 or a Premier 777 and work your way up or down from there.
Choosing the right wax bead for your candle creations is important for better candlemaking. All of our waxes offer a clean burn, uniform melting and consistent results.
Click here to view our different waxes and see which one is right for you.
To get a smooth top every time, which is the goal for better candlemaking, we suggest using our FREEDOM SOY WAX or FREEDOM COCONUT WAX. Be sure to pour about 135°F and let it cool slowly. This is the easiest way to get smooth tops.
Other options to consider are our Millennium Wax and pour below 115°F, or our Container Soy Wax. Mix with 5% beeswax, and top off your candles 1-3 hours after pouring them.
American Soy Organics FREEDOM and MILLENIUM waxes are all-natural waxes.
Our Pro-Flex line contains synthetic emulsifiers to speed the candle making process for those who want ultra-consistent results with quicker production times.
Bees, silly! Seriously, our beeswax is sourced from beekeepers right here in the USA and Canada.
Our FREEDOM waxes start with a base of soybean wax from the rich soils of America’s Heartland. Each product utilizes different emulsifiers. Our FREEDOM WAX emulsifiers are all-natural, while our Pro-Flex wax contains natural and synthetic emulsifiers.
Our waxes are technically free of GMOs, though they don’t come from GMO-free soybeans. Soy wax comes from the hull of the soybean which doesn’t contain any GMOs. GMOs live in the protein, not the hull. Our waxes are organic under the old meaning of “natural” or “from nature,” though they are not considered certified organic, which would require more documentation than is available for a candle wax.
You can always purchase American Soy Organics beads online at or one of our other distributors listed on Our Products page.
Our office in St Ansgar, Iowa is open M-F 7am-3pm Central Time
Phone: M-F 7am-3pm Central Time
Dock: M-F 7am-3pm Central Time
Order: 24/7 on our website at
We DO offer distributor pricing for partners wishing to order full truckloads of products for resale. If you are interested in distributing our products, please call Laura at 855-769-9291 for more details.