American Soy Organics is excited to introduce its latest wax, Freedom Coconut!
In the world of natural waxes, people are always looking for what’s new and what’s natural. That’s why we’ve launched Freedom Coconut Wax beads, the perfect blend of coconut wax and soy wax, with all the benefits of the popular Freedom Soy Wax beads.
What sets Freedom Coconut apart from other waxes?
The addition of coconut wax allows for better fragrance throw, especially cold throw. And, for those trickier fragrance oils (like vanilla), a soy-coconut blend can mean better fragrance throw all around.
Additionally, Freedom Coconut Wax offers better sidewall adhesion, all without having to change your current candlemaking process.
Who Should Use Freedom Coconut Wax?
Freedom Coconut wax is designed to be easy to use for all levels of candlemaking.
It’s especially geared toward those who already have built a successful process with the original Freedom Soy Wax. The transition from Freedom Soy to Freedom Coconut is seamless: production is exactly the same, no adjustments necessary.
Any tips for working with Freedom Coconut Wax?
The number 1 tip is to be patient! Don’t try to hurry up the cooling process with fans or similar. Just pour and let it sit to achieve the right results.
Ready to surround yourself with the aura of coconut? Shop Freedom Coconut Wax Now [link]